senses nutrition Having a combination of foods from each of the five colour groups allows your body to attain holistic nutrition (Harvard Medical School, 2013).
colours nutrition Having a combination of foods from each of the five colour groups allows your body to attain holistic nutrition (Harvard Medical School, 2013).

colours senses nutrition

balanced nutrition

Using natural/whole ingredients, our food scientists have carefully formulated yan foods.
We boost the absorption of nutrients commonly found in a single colored food group through synergistic pairing with other nutrients required in absorption.
Also, a balanced diet is achieved from the formulation of core food groups together with our coloured food groups.


We believe that food should be enjoyed not just through taste, but a variety of senses.
Our food is designed using a combination of different senses such as: colours (visual), texture (touch), and flavor (taste) to boost overall enjoyment of eating and thus nutrient absorption.